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November 20, 2011


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Very modern/urban look - can't wait to make them!


I love these! Thanks for the free pattern!

I am having a problem with the thumb, though. I'm still a beginner. >.<
What do you mean knit back and forth?

audrey pagnotto

I don't understand the guage instructions. There's no reference to how many stitches. It only refers to 4 rows. What does that mean? How many sts. and rows per inch are there?


Thanks for this wonderful pattern. I, even I managed to make a pair. They are a gift for a wonderful friend. Thanks for making mhy wonderful friend happy. You have, well your knitting pattern has. Thanks a lot. :)

Laura Mosier

I love these! Thank you so much for the pattern, I can't wait to knit them up.


Love how these look with the button flap! And such a simple pattern. Can't wait to make me a pair....Thanks much!


These are so cute! I am making them for a cousin for Christmas! I am a little confused with the thumb process...when you say "begin knitting in the round again" at row 9 does this mean that I will have to take the work off my double points and put it on straight needles...or...? Please help?

Polly Westcott

There seems to be information missing in this pattern.....and it has to do with the thumb.... there are not any lines about knitting back and forth....only slip the first stitch of nine rows. That does not create a hole, just a line of slipped stitches. Please add the missing information.....I have done a good deal of knitting but can't figure this out.....Thanks

Polly Westcott

I get it.....knit back and forth over the entire work for nine rows, instead of knitting in the round and casting off for thumb hole....slipping the first stitch of each row creates the edge of the thumb hole....

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